PDF Spark 9781462538157 Medicine Health Science Books

By Bryan Richards on Friday 3 May 2019

PDF Spark 9781462538157 Medicine Health Science Books

Product details

  • Paperback 154 pages
  • Publisher The Guilford Press; 1 edition (March 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1462538150

Spark 9781462538157 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews

  • Spark is a breath of fresh air. This is an uplifting, original, well-written novel. I was thoroughly engaged following the cast of characters as they tried to unravel the meaning of a dumbfounding question and discovered things about themselves and others along the way. There were great life reminders about the importance of the process over the outcome and challenging oneself to push past comfort zones. We all need those reminders from time to time. As a former teacher, one of the most gratifying parts was after finishing the “tour de force” one is given “points to ponder” and questions to consider. Thanks, I needed that!
  • This book is that rarest of works, a great story and a great, deep message. The cast of characters are all interesting and important to the story. Nothing is wasted in this book, every phrase, every nuance is a vital building block in constructing the plot and the great conclusion. An important read, one that will 'spark' so many different emotions, and will definitely carry you to the top of the mountain, and out of your comfort zone.
  • If you’re looking for a new favorite book, Patricia Leavy’s Spark is it.

    Having loved Ms. Leavy’s previous works, most notably her novel, Blue, I eagerly awaited her follow up. Spark not only delivers but holds true to the charge its title promises. What I found most captivating about the new book is that while Blue dealt with the journey we take to find ourselves, Spark is not only about a physical journey (all the way to Iceland) but also an inner one that focuses on the power of believing in ourselves.

    From the first chapter, Ms. Leavy draws you into Peyton’s world by vividly painting even the simplest of details in a way that keeps the reader intrigued. Throughout the novel, Spark teaches us to look at ourselves, embrace our own insecurities and fears, and to discover the strength that lies in working with those that are different than us. Most importantly, it’s a lesson in learning our self-worth and the endless possibilities presented to us when we focus on all the ways we all fit into the puzzle rather than the reasons we don’t.

    In one of my favorite sections of the book, one of the characters asks Peyton to head up to the roof with him to see the view. She confides in him that she’s always been afraid of heights. His insightful reply captures the spirit of this book, “That is because you look down. We will look up.”

    Spark is an engaging and captivating work that shows us how the power of belief and self-acceptance can transform not only ourselves but those around us. In sharing Spark with us, Ms. Leavy has done just that, transformed her readers.

    I look forward to Ms. Leavy’s next book, but until that time wholeheartedly recommend Spark to others. Treat yourself to a copy.
  • I was looking for something to read while on a trip. I was fortunate enough to hear of this just in time. It was the perfect companion. This book was a refreshing reminder that I feel we so desperately need right now. We are not as different as we may seem to be at first glance. Truly understanding each other and the world will hopefully give us all the Spark we need. I know this book uplifted me and it was much appreciated!
  • An interesting read, not sure what I was expecting, but not disappointed either. It’s hard not to pause and have a think on a key phrase, or comment from the story. But that is the idea isn’t it? I so wanted the answer to the question... silently forbidding myself to skip to the end... but it was ultimately all those key thoughts (I actually highlighted them along the way) that made me think that provided the answer.
  • I am a fan of sociological fictions , Patricia Leavy's in particular. I eagerly awaited Spark and it did not disappoint. Leavy's writing instructs, guides and encourages personal and social awareness, but achieves this in the most unobtrusive way possible. Her writing is the opposite of academic , in that it is thoroughly engaging, creative and accessible. Spark brings together the idea that we can begin from where we are and that we can achieve, strive and be the best that we can be while helping others to do the same. This book will change you!
  • "Spark" creates a sense of awe and wonder about human connection and the exciting possibilities that can develop when groups of diverse people come together to solve problems. The book reminds us that the journey to find the solution to a problem is always filled with a great deal of personal growth and discovery. Leavy ‘s gift to weave an engaging narrative makes for an inspiring read, as well as creating new bridges between the social sciences and arts based research.
  • Wonderfully engrossing journey that makes you pause and reflect on your own approaches to conquering the unknown...