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By Bryan Richards on Thursday 9 May 2019

Download PDF Eat Right 4 Your Type Revised and Updated The Individualized Blood Type Diet® Solution Dr Peter J D'Adamo Catherine Whitney 9780399584169 Books

Product details

  • Series Eat Right 4 Your Type
  • Hardcover 432 pages
  • Publisher Berkley; Revised, Updated edition (December 27, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0399584161

Eat Right 4 Your Type Revised and Updated The Individualized Blood Type Diet® Solution Dr Peter J D'Adamo Catherine Whitney 9780399584169 Books Reviews

  • First I am not one for diets. Second I was very skeptical about this. I bought my friend a book too. She went to the extreme and did everything she was suppose to and well, I gradually worked in the foods that are beneficial for me and removed the foods that weren't. Within three months my friend went from being in bed all the time, depressed, aching joints, ADD, etc... to being energetic, not ADD, younger looking skin, etc. I mean a completely different person that was obvious to all of us around her. Needless to say I was shocked. Still don't quite understand how food has that kind of impact on the body but the proof was undeniable. So, I and my other friend decided to buckled down and do exactly what the book said to do. I am type O so there were some foods to avoid that were my favorite like Avocado, corn, etc. but for the most part it was easy. I just literally threw everything out of my kitchen that was not type O approved. For me I am a picky eater so wasn't sure how this was going to go. Well, I am still eating type O after four years now. Before I would be in the hospital three to four times a year due to bronchitis, asthma, etc. Always on an antibiotic or steroid, etc. When you walk into an ER and the doctors remember you and know how to treat you off of their memory it is pretty sad. I was also the type of person where if someone was sick and even near me for a minute it was just a matter of time that I was going to be sick too, every single time. Well, in the four years doing type O I have not been sick once. Not even once. I have been around people that were very sick and never once have I been sick. Have not had any antibiotics or steroids. My other friend no longer clears his throat that he did repeatedly for 10 years. One of the key issues was corn for us. Anything with corn...corn starch, etc. in fact, after three months of being on type O strictly if I have something with corn starch my body and my friend's body reacts immediately...head pressure, sinus pressure it is crazy. Not all avoid foods will my body react to dramatically but there are key ones it will and I am like I should not have eaten that. Still don't understand the science behind it. But now several people I know eat this way and every single one of us has changed and improved dramatically. What is even crazier I don't even crave the foods I really liked that are on my avoid list and crave foods now that I thought I would never eat. I love spinach now, before maybe once a year. I love pizza with just a little olive oil, crushed garlic, feta, spinach, no sauce, kalamata olives, maybe some red favorite...before I loved cheese pizza but not no more. I eat mozzarella cheese over cheddar. Eat feta cheese now. Never ate onions in my life but now do, it is crazy. My body literally craves type O food it is absolutely mind blowing. I mean anyone that tries eating their blood type and does so strictly for at least three months, meaning avoid all avoid foods, eat all beneficial foods, etc. will see a major difference. As I have seen it with my own eyes with several different blood types. It works, can't explain it. I bought the app on my iPhone so when in the grocery store I just quickly look up an item as type O can have mushrooms but some mushrooms are on my avoid list so I just click on the app as I can never remember which one and know immediately what to buy and what not too.
  • I think someone's opinion on this book is going to be largely based on their health going into the diet. I first found this book in high school and my mom said I was an A blood type so I concentrated on vegetarian foods. I was happy to do this because it was in the 90's and all my teen magazines promoted low fat and vegetarian diets and of course, I wanted to be like the models. I would skip the meat part of the meal and I would never get full. My weight ballooned. I had digestive problems. After about 4 years, I developed a chronic cough that never went away. I went to a lung specialist and he told me I probably had cystic fibrosis and sent me to the hospital to get tested. My sodium test was borderline. He was so sure that I had it, he sent me to another hospital in another town to have the test retaken because he thought the staff was bad at the first place. My test was borderline again. He gave me all sorts of steroids to help with the cough and eventually it went away.

    Anyway, fast forward years and my health was destroyed. I ended up desperate to fix it so I went to college for dietetics and became a nutritionist. Of course, dietetic school said this was a fad diet so I went on a dietary guidelines plan. I was able to lose a little weight because I had incorporated meat back into my diet.

    'Fast forward a year out of school, I discovered the paleo diet and my whole world was better. I thrived on the paleo diet, lost weight, and told everyone about it. I was one of the first nutritionists on the web promoting it, but then something happened. Some of my clients did horrible on it. I just assumed they were not doing it right. Then I had my son and my pregnancy with him was a train wreck. I was sick all the time and I couldn't eat anything but turkey (this is a hint at what blood type he was going to be).

    I tried to eat a paleo diet when I was pregnant with him and he wouldn't let me. When I was breastfeeding, he didn't like the paleo diet either. It was torture. My mom was managing a health food store at the time and she had blood type supplements on her shelf. I grabbed them and took them to my naturalpath doctor to ask her about them. She highly recommended the blood type diet.

    What I discovered was that I wasn't an A; I was an O and I was doing the diet backwards for years. That's also why I thrived on paleo and my son was an A and he hates meat. Now, as a four year old, he only eats chicken maybe 2 times a month. He loves protein shakes and I don't push meat on him because I know your body will naturally like what it needs. It is insane though because our eating styles are exactly opposite and I am grateful for this book because I know that his needs are different from mine and I shouldn't force him to eat what I like.

    So, my point to this long review is that some people may not like this book because they might not be experiencing any health issues so they don't see the difference or others might not try it long enough. Also, you can see by my story what eating the wrong diet did to my health and it didn't take long.

    I love Dr. D Adamo. I use his supplements. I read all of his books. I use his skin care. As a nutritionist, I have studied the science and it's there. This isn't a fad diet.
    When you have your blood type you have a blue print for your health. It's freedom.
    One thing that I love about him that I have to add is his ability to speak against what's popular. When I was pregnant, it didn't make sense to me how I could carry a type A baby, if type A blood would kill me. I developed a horrible rash called the pupps rash. I saw 5 OBGYN's and I told them all my theory that I was reacting to the blood of the baby and they all thought I was nuts. After I delivered I still believed the reason I was so sick in pregnancy was because of the blood type difference. Years later I read in one of Dr. D Adamo's books that he supports that theory of the most difficult pregnancies are usually type O mom's with A babies because they are opposite in dietary needs. And warning don't get the flu shot because it will make worse.

    I could go on forever about this book, but I'll give you a break .