Read The Vows of Silence A Simon Serrailler Mystery A Chief Superintendent Simon Serrailler Mystery Susan Hill Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday 1 May 2019

Read The Vows of Silence A Simon Serrailler Mystery A Chief Superintendent Simon Serrailler Mystery Susan Hill Books

Product details

  • Series A Chief Superintendent Simon Serrailler Mystery
  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher Harry N. Abrams; Reprint edition (January 25, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1590204425

The Vows of Silence A Simon Serrailler Mystery A Chief Superintendent Simon Serrailler Mystery Susan Hill Books Reviews

  • This fourth entry into the Simon Serrallier series left me with some rather mixed feelings. After the third book, The Risk of Darkness A Simon Serrailler Mystery, ended rather abruptly and despite several characters being abandoned it what felt like mid-story, they are not so much as mentioned here. I also expected there to be more with the kidnapper, but that plot line also has been cast aside. My concern over these plot lines led me to ruin a large part of the book - I thought I would read the synopsis for the fifth book - it should have been label "spoiler alert" because not only did I discover nothing to indicate one way or another that the third book would be revisited, but a huge development of the fourth book was completely given away!

    Despite my dissatisfaction with the series and its continuity, I did greatly enjoy this book. Emotions run very high here and the plot offers quite a few genuine surprises. Simon, our series main character, continues to develop and is at his most likable here. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series, especially if it will be as fast-paced as this one!
  • I discovered Susan Hill's Serrailler series a couple of weeks ago, and have, since, plowed through all seven books. I enjoy the constant setting of Lafferton, and the continuity of characters from one book to the next. The Serrailler family, en mass, complete with personal flaws has been a pleasure to get to know. Susan's writing can be dark and creepy, then brilliant and joyous...much like life.
    I am not one of the mystery readers who insist on every plot thread wrapped up by the end of the novel. Indeed, I appreciate when Susan leaves several threads dangling for pick up in a later book. I also like that the author does not shy away from controversial topics like assisted suicide, but explores all aspects and opinions surrounding it. Her method of ending a novel abruptly (no exaggeration there)was startling to me at first, but I have come to appreciate it as part and parcel of her style.
    The series, for mystery readers who are casting about for a new-to-them author, is not just police procedural nor forensics investigation for the C.S.I. generation. It is, rather, a whole tale of the people involved including the town itself. My only quibble with the series now, is having to wait for book 8. Well done, Ms. Hill.
  • The fourth mystery focuses on a shooter who seems at first like he/she is killing women randomly. a pattern emerges quickly. The first victim is a newlywed, the second a bride to be, but the Lafferton Police, led by newly promoted Simon Serrailler are baffled. The shooter is extremely good at covering his tracks. Serrailler knows the shooter won't stop before they're caught.

    The mystery plot is serviceable but seems almost an afterthought tagged on the saga of the Serraillers, particularly Simon and his sister Cat Deerbon. I'm not one to recognize the culprit early but this one was evident to me nearly from the first time they walk on stage.

    This book is dark in tone, like most of the series. This time, Dr. Cat has to deal with a grave illness within her own home forcing her to examine medicine intimately from the patient's standpoint.

    Though the mystery is solved at the end of this book, there are many open stories left, particularly with Simon and Rev. Jane Fitzroy. Perhaps Simon may be finally softening his solitary ways. Obviously, there is another book in the works.

    Hill is a superb writer, with a deep understanding of human nature and a tolerant, non-judgmental eye. It is always a pleasure to nestle in with the world she creates.
  • I wish my favorite characters were all still alive in this series. There have been some very difficult moments in this family and since I am now one with them, difficult for me too. Fortunately there are still a few books left in the series so there is still hope.
  • Excellent character development and with each book you learn.more about the main characters. Good exploration of social issues. Reminiscent of pd JAMES, Ruth rendell and Josephine tey.
  • You never know where the author will take these characters. She is good at showing the unpredictability of life. I was a bit surprised and disappointed by the resolution of the main crime. It felt like a last minute change by the author, but there was so much else going on that it didn't matter.
  • This series appeal is that it is so well grounded in everyday life and personal events touching the characters to the point that the police investigation seems to happen in the background. That makes for an extremely believable novel all around.
  • I have loved the Simon Serrailer stories but it felt the series was running out of puff. the story was still believable but the aloofness of Simon at this point started to irritate me! I think he needed some substance worked into his character to help soften the edges just a little - otherwise he was just a cardboard cutout through out. Unfortunately, this is where the series end for me.